Currently accepting new telehealth clients. Socially distant but not emotionally distant. I'm here with you. Due to Covid-19, therapy sessions are available via online therapy or phone therapy. Explore how to get my help.

Calm Compassionate Connected Caregiver Program

Taking care of a loved one is a marathon, YOU deserve to be supported so that you can show up with love and intention!

In this 6-week group program you will learn to navigate your emotions instead of avoiding, numbing, or ignoring them. Each session you will gain insight about specific emotions and supportive tools, all while feeling the community of fellow caregivers.

  • Week 1: Intros & Who am I as a caregiver?
  • Week 2: Sorrow & Love
  • Week 3: Guilt & Self-Compassion
  • Week 4: Anger & Joy
  • Week 5: Fear & Acceptance
  • Week 6: Grief & Closure

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