Currently accepting new telehealth clients. Socially distant but not emotionally distant. I'm here with you. Due to Covid-19, therapy sessions are available via online therapy or phone therapy. Explore how to get my help.

Caregiver Counseling

Are you feeling overwhelmed managing the care needs of a loved one?

Are you curious of how to create space for yourself while being a dedicated caregiver?

Do you ever question am I making the right decision for both my loved one and myself? Are you feeling decision fatigue?

Do you notice yourself feeling sad, frustrated, guilty or exhausted from caregiving?

Many Caregivers go through periods of sadness and frustration while caring for a loved one. These are normal human responses to the challenges of the situation, and these feelings do not in any way indicate failure or inadequacy in the provision of care. Working directly with a therapist can help you manage stress by having a dedicated space and person there to support you.

Caregiving is a marathon, being proactive about minimizing your burden and learning how to handle stress in a healthy way is crucial for succeeding as a caregiver. As a therapist, I can help you process your feelings, learn to set boundaries, strengthen your problem-solving abilities, and improve communication with your care recipient and other family members.

As a therapist who specializes in geriatrics it is my passion to support caregivers through the varied stages and major decisions they face. Together we can discuss ways to manage difficult behaviors, explore your emotions or reactions, and get to a place of acceptance of the many changes that occur.

Have a desire to connect with other caregivers? Check out my group Calm Compassionate Connected Caregiver.

You deserve to be supported during this uniquely challenging and often isolating stage in life! It would be an honor to work with you, please contact me for a free 20 minute consult.

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