Currently accepting new telehealth clients. Socially distant but not emotionally distant. I'm here with you. Due to Covid-19, therapy sessions are available via online therapy or phone therapy. Explore how to get my help.

Young Caregiver Counseling

Do you feel pulled in multiple directions?

Do you wonder what happened? What’s my responsibility? How can I live my life, as well as, be a caregiver for my family member?

Are you curious about how to move forward? What are the best strategies? How do I make these big decisions?

Are you wanting help figuring out how to communicate what is currently happening in your life to friends or family? Are you wanting to help find clarity in yourself about what caregiving means?

Are you curious if these feelings of anger, sadness, resentment, and fear are normal?

If you answered yes to some of these questions then working with a therapist who specializes in caregivers may be right for you. Being a caregiver at a young age, prior to 50, is a unique challenge. For many people, your 20s, 30s and 40s are spent building careers and creating families. You deserve to find a balance in your life that allows you to show up authentically.

As a caregiver to your loved one as he or she loses physical abilities and/or becomes increasingly cognitively impaired, grief is likely coupled with a nearly-overwhelming stress. Feelings of overwhelm, fear, frustration and deep sorrow are natural human responses to being a caregiver. Spending time to work with these feelings will allow you to have space for other parts of your life as well. Working with a therapist will invite you to explore these emotions in a safe supportive space with hopes to get to a place of acceptance.

As a therapist who specializes in working with caregivers I understand the unique challenges you face. Let me support you as you navigate the path of caregiving. Reach out for a free 20 minute consult today! 

If working with an individual therapist does not sound like a fit for you and you prefer a group program, please check out my Calm Compassionate Connected Caregiver program.

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